dilluns, de novembre 27, 2006

Your country needs you (or does it?)

Mela hawn diska simpatika dwarna...


Minn go hgiega mtappna rajtu jimbotta l-bagalja u jickien
Minn go hgiega mtappna lhaqna farfarna l-ahhar tislijiet
Lill-ghaziz hija li bhall-pluri-dekorati l-ohra qata’ l-biljett
U b’xiber soghoba sellem lill-blata u sebah fil-kontinent

“isma meta trid
ejja zurni ftit
ghax hemm fuq sabih
imma jaghmel il-ksieh
u hu hsieb dak ir-rih
mishun bl-ghasel u mistrieh

Rajtu jdub fix-xefaq
Bhall-kewkba maz-zernieq
Il-qahba milli kellha
Setghet ittih, setghet ittih, setghet ittih.

L-imhuh ta generazzjoni li minghalija lsienha sabet fil-qiegh ta kexxun fi Brussel,
fuq mejda t’ufficju modern “Luxembourg”
Pseudo kittieba, artisti , politici li setghu kmandaw rispett
Unanimament xammru d-dublett fethu blog u sarrfu cekk

“isma meta trid
ejja zurni ftit
ghax hemm fuq sabih
imma jaghmel il-ksieh
u hu hsieb dak ir-rih
mishun bl-ghasel u mistrieh”

Rajtu jdub fix-xefaq
Bhall-kewkba maz-zernieq
Il-qahba milli kellha
felhet ittih, felhet ittih, felhet ittih.

Id-diska hi ta' grupp andergrawnd malti jismu Brikkuni (li hu l-estensjoni muzikali ta' l-ego ta' Mario, eks-Lumière u nies ohra). Il-grupp jinstema qishu tahlita iktar kalma ta' Sanseverino, No Smoking Orchestra u, skond ohrajn, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Sfortunatament l-unika diska taghhom li tistghu tisimghu hi Il-Bar ta' Taht il-Knisja - imma mejjet biex nismagha live Brussell...

Tistghu ssegwu thread dwar l-unika darba li daqqew live s'issa fuq din it-thread ta' dan il-forum.

dijous, de novembre 16, 2006

hadouken, anyone?

I've recently bought myself a Nintendo Wii and a DS. I haven't really played games in ages. I didn't think I'd be interested, so I thought this would turn out to be an expensive mistake - but I am. In my absence games have really advanced. They're much more celebral and well-planned now - and they're weirder to boot. Check out Trauma Center, The Sims (seen here re-enacting a well-known sequence from American Beauty), Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney or the Jodorowsky-meets-Akira-like No More Heroes.

The press is better, the gamers are better-looking and the sexes are way more balanced (when I was a kid seeing a girl playing an arcade game was as common as seeing the Fenech Adamis strolling down Testaferrata Street/Rue d'Aarschot in bondage).


There's fuck all good about growing old. For starters all the cultural references you took for granted aren't shared by the younger generation of gamers.

Do you know what a hadouken is? 'course you do. To me it was a foregone conclusion that so did the yoof of today. They don't. They didn't grow up playing Street Fighter and Street Fighter II (and faux-smoking Marlboros or Dunhills [i.e. exhaling without inhaling]) and in constant trepidation of their dads bursting through the door like we did.

And by the way, when your dad will eventually come looking for you in a seething rage (and he will - work plus family life seem to make most dads irritable), your panic-stricken friend will say the cigarette is yours and you'll say it's his. He'll understand you're actually sharing one of his Dunhills (he would have understood that even if you didn't say anything, cuz he's a cheap bastard who's been keeping tabs on how many cigarettes he's got left in his packet), you'll get in trouble, he'll tell your friends' parents and you'll both get grounded (don't think spanking and booting is still the norm nowadays).

The proper way to play a video game when you're 13 or 14 is at your local bar or kazin. Preferably pretending to be someone you're not (cigarettes help) to impress your friend/s. No Xbox 360 or Playstation III plus plasma screen can emulate that feeling. Or maybe it can - see how out of touch I really am?

dijous, de novembre 09, 2006

I know what you did last summer...

...u li ghamilt is-sajf li ghadda (almenu weekend minnhom) kien nahdem fuq zewg progetti li huma l-bidu ta' progett wiehed li semmejthu l-Arkivju Nazzjonali tal-Memorja.

Ahn'ahna jew m'ahniex  [LINK]
Iva, l-ahn'ahna li tiftakru sew... iddigitajzjati ghall-pjacir viziv taghkom. L-ewwel zewg episodji u d-diska tal-ftuh ghalissa.

Il-Minzel (La Jetée ta' Chris Marker)  [LINK]
Is-sottotitoli bil-Malti lesti... kemm tnizluhom u tarawhom flimkien ma' verzjoni AVI/DivX tal-film go qarrej bhal VLC. Ghal min qatt ma ra dan il-gmiel ta' film jista' jarah hawn.

Sfortunatament il-laptop il-gdid tieghi tqareb u sar gay. Kull bicca ta' l-iskrin li hi suppost bajda qed juriha rosa allura hadtu f'dak il-wied ta' dmugh u stennija maghruf bhala is-servizz ta' wara l-bejgh tal-MediaMarkt... m'ghandix speranza li narah qabel xahar iehor. B'hekk la aggornamenti tas-sit u lanqas xoghol/progetti ohra ma nistgha nahdem fuqhom ghalissa...

dimecres, de novembre 01, 2006

il lupo non perde il pelo, ma perde il vizio

Kont diga bbloggjajt dwar il-Miami ta' l-Afrika.

Dan l-artiklu iktar iheggigni biex immur...