dimecres, de desembre 19, 2007

end of the line

It's time to take the bus back to the depot.


Since I don't keep statistics (the counter has been broken for ages), I've got no real means to gauge the readership of this blog, although I'm pretty certain readership is dwindling not increasing. Not only did I commit a few blogger cardinal sins such as writing too sporadically - two in a week and then nothing for a month, I also wrote - repeatedly - on topics that were too esoteric, too specific, too narrow or too boring and managed to alienate a few others. I'd like to write about a few other things but it's useless at this point. Exclusively 'marketing' this blog to a somewhat fickle Maltese base was another mistake.


The blogs were the best thing to ever happen to the Maltese literary scene. They were fun to read and some of the stuff written was better and more exciting than practically any book in Maltese I have ever read. It's a shame that no traces will be left of the scene in 2 or 3 years. One of the main reasons that kept me going was the reward system inherent to them - I always hoped that one of my posts would, at least partially, inspire another blogger to post and I'd get to read some wonderfully flowing prose or an intelligent opinion for my efforts. I also got some vapid rubbish sometimes, like you did from me.

To those bloggers who bemoan the fact that they're not blogging even though they'd like to but they're too busy - well, it doesn't take that much time. It doesn't take much time or effort to post twice a week. At twenty minutes each post, that's less than the average person spends removing fluff from his belly-button or finding the right pose for his/her Facebook profile pic.


I can't stop dreaming of being a farmer (of all things). I've got no real idea what being a farmer entails. To me farm-life is one pastoral, idyllic image after the other. It's not me toiling the land at 5AM and filling in complicated EU CAP subsidy forms - it's me tasting goat's cheese and walking about my farm chewing straw and bleating back at my fat ruminants.

For other mindless optimists and/or property fetishists here's some rustic land-porn to get you excited:

Arable land + townhouse (i.e. pile of rubble held together using duct tape and goatshit)

Just the townhouse (and some magnificent views)

Tuscany has become very expensive.

Around May/June 2008 I've got something big lined up. Let's just say I'll have ample time to look at abandoned places in Northern and Central Italy, but won't have the cash to even think of buying any of them - not even a pile of rubble in Italy's remotest province. If anyone needs a sensaro, someone to deal with the workers, or someone who can actually build a wall, whitewash or pass a few cables without (hopefully) electrocuting himself, I'm your man. I'm the (self-styled) Del Trotter of the Apennines.


It's been a nice three years, but this bus is heading back to the depot now.

See you on another ride - maybe soon, maybe not. So long.

14 Yays/Nays

Blogger noel tanti opined / qal...

it had to be you to mention sheep in a requiem...

anyways... hope you'll still be reading 'us' out though...

12/19/2007 11:29:00 a. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.

12/19/2007 11:56:00 a. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

i will, i will... ;)

(my livejournal still exists btw, so there you go. even though I haven't updated it in a long time + I'm not really planning on reviving it either)

12/19/2007 01:18:00 p. m.  
Anonymous Anònim opined / qal...


gybexi is dead, (baa), long live gybexi

as for the blogosphere. i think we all feel affectionate for a particular "phase" of the blogosphere. Phases are made of peaks of different people and there was a very nice phase at the end of 2005 beginning 2006 which will never come back again. But the sphere keeps changing and new bloggers keep coming in.

I too find that we tended to narrow down our "market" for the maltese readers... try being a bit nasty to locals though... you'll soon get some disgruntled bruxellois tapping at your blog. I've got my own Jerry Little to contend with :)

Be seeing you around and hope you turn up at the bloggers (and readers) meet while in malta.

of j'accuse

12/19/2007 01:25:00 p. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

I'm not in Malta. I've got to finish the work on my aptmt in Brussels and this is the ideal time to do it.

I'll be inhaling paint fumes while you're busy regurgitating turkey on boxing day.

12/19/2007 02:41:00 p. m.  
Blogger MaltaGirl opined / qal...

Awwwww... I'm going to miss you!

(and, just so you know, because of YOU, I deliberately sat next to a MAN on the bus yesterday...)

12/20/2007 05:19:00 p. m.  
Anonymous Anònim opined / qal...

... and was Russell Brand sitting there naked with an erection and a suggestive grin? ;)

12/21/2007 11:34:00 a. m.  
Anonymous Anònim opined / qal...

It was a pleasure reading you, and thanks for the encouragement during the early days of my blog.

Before you disappear forever though... any particular reason while the dates on your blog are in Catalan, or was that just random? I always wanted to know.

Hope to meet you when you are down in Malta.

12/24/2007 01:40:00 a. m.  
Blogger MaltaGirl opined / qal...


12/24/2007 09:01:00 p. m.  
Anonymous Anònim opined / qal...

grego: qrajt dwar missierek. kondoljanzi.

billi dejjem tgerger li hadd ma jkellmek bil-Malti ser inkellmek jien :)

ir-raguni hi l-blog kien kwazi kompletament bil-Malti fil-bidu imma ma stajtx naghzel l-impostazzjonijiet bil-Malti allura kelli naghzel lingwa ohra - u billi inhobb nilghaba tal-katalan ghazilt il-katalan (in-nanna kienet katalana - ghalkemm naqra dubjuza l-haga).

fi kliem ohra m'ghandix raguni, le :)

12/24/2007 10:59:00 p. m.  
Blogger Erezija opined / qal...

imhatra terga' tibbloggja

1/28/2008 10:28:00 a. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

diga bdejt! :D


2/01/2008 08:29:00 p. m.  
Anonymous Anònim opined / qal...

Those properties in Italy look really tempting...

1/25/2013 02:20:00 p. m.  
Blogger Claudia Klein opined / qal...

Hello, Staġun tal-Festi qiegħed hawn mill-ġdid, dawk li bbenefikaw minn għandna għandhom joħorġu u jagħtu xhieda dwarna u dawk li ma kisbux self mingħandna għandhom jikkuntattjawna issa.

Introduzzjoni Ftit dwar ruħi.
Jisimni Claudia Klein, jien Ġermaniża u nirrappreżenta l-Spotcap Global Financial Services. Aħna nwettqu kull tip ta 'self b'rata sussidjata ta' 3%

Għandek bżonn Self Biex Tikkonsolida d-Dejn Tiegħek qabel tmiem is-sena?
Għandek bżonn self biex tibda negozju jew tespandi n-Negozju li jfejjaqek?
Għandek bżonn self għall-vaganza?
Għandek bżonn self biex tixtri karozza jew dar?
Għandek bżonn self biex tibda Proġett ġdid jew Imla l-proġett kurrenti tiegħek?

Huma x’inhuma r-raġunijiet u jista ’jkollok bżonn flusek. Hawn hu s-soluzzjoni għall-inkwiet finanzjarju tiegħek.
Il-Partijiet Interessati Għandhom Ikkuntattjana Għal Aktar Informazzjoni Via E-mail: | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | jew ibgħatilna messaġġ fuq WhatsApp: +4915758108767 |

Meta tasal biex tissellef online, aħna affidabbli ħafna u ta 'min jafdaha, Huwa importanti ħafna li Taħdem mal-Kumpanija t-tajba. Aħna Ngħinuuk Iġġib l-Aqwa Rata Għall-Self Tiegħek Irrispettivament Mill-Kreditu Tiegħek! Jekk Qed Tfittex xi tip ta 'self, aħna l-kumpanija t-tajba għalik biex tikkuntattja.

Ikkuntattjana Illum Għal Aktar Informazzjoni dwar l-offerta ta 'self tagħna permezz ta' din l-E-mail: | spotcapglobalservices@gmail.com | jew ibgħatilna messaġġ fuq WhatsApp: +4915758108767 | & Irċievi Tweġiba Immedjatament.

11/10/2019 07:46:00 p. m.  

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