divendres, de desembre 29, 2006

iffirma hawn taht

Maghruf li nhobba Brussell. Inhobba bizzejjed biex xi minn daqqiet kwazi nispicca karikatura tieghi innifsi. Hemm hafna ragunijiet ghala inhobbha - l-iktar wahda hi li nhossni d-dar hawn. Ma nezitax sekonda biex nikkwalifika ruhi ta' Brusselliz... ta' Belgjan nezita sew (anke jekk napplika ghac-cittadinanza). U Malti? Irrid inkun naqra poppatur sew (kif konna nghidu fi zmieni) biex nghid li m'inix meta ghaddejt daqshekk snin minn hajti hemm u l-passaport tieghi ghandu miktub car u tond "Malta" b'ittri imdeheba fuq il-qoxra hamra skura tieghu.

Imma f'liema belt ohra, minn dawk b'identità, kultura u lingwa fissa, minn dawk li minghalihom huma multikulti imma fil-verità huma kulturalment u etnikament omogenji tista' tfassal il-verità socjali u lingwistika tal-belt meta l-passat sar jigik (jew, anzi, ma jigikx!) qisu jeans issikkat li xtrajt f'Novembru - cioè qabel ma ffangajt qisek hanzir fi zmien il-milied?

U hemm bzonn bidla strutturali fil-belt. Mhux ser noqghod nidhol fl-elementi politici ta' dan il-progett ghax forsi mhumiex ta' interess ghal hafna niss imma biss li l-element hu wiehed ta' ghaqda... ta' interkulturalità minflok egemonija jew multikulturalità ta' l-isem. Dan il-progett kien mibdi u iffirmat minn hafna personalitajiet famuzi fil qasam taghhom.

Many of us, residents of the Brussels Capital Region, were born outside Belgium. Most of us speak more than one language and, in many of our families, languages live side by side. As Europe strengthens its presence in Brussels, the city becomes increasingly international and complex, a city-region with a character of its own, increasingly different from both Flanders and Wallonia. This complexity constitutes a challenge. But it is absurd to seek to squeeze it into the straitjacket of the two Communities. If properly managed, this complexity is an asset of which we can be proud and which must be used to make Brussels more dynamic, and thereby the neighbouring regions and Europe as a whole.

(Aqraw it-test shih hawn)

Voila. Brussell hi belt esperimentali u minflok tibza u tmur lura f'dan iz-zmien ta' konservattizmu politiku u nazzjonalismu trid tesperimenta iktar mhux inqas. Brava.

Nistidinkom, tghixu jew ma tghixux Brussell, taqraw it-test hawn u tiffirmaw hawn jekk taqblu. U la tkunu fil-vena li tiffirmaw tistghu tiffirmaw il-Manifest Brussellwà wkoll.

Hu billi qeghdin fuq is-suggett (speci ta') nistidinkom ukoll tisimghu xi siltiet helwin mill-arkivju BNA-BBOT ("Brussell hi taghna lkoll") li hu arkivju ta' stejjer u rakkonti tan-nies li jghixu Brussell. Immigranti, belgjani, foqra, sinjuri, arroganti, misthija, buruzi, hosbiena, kiebja, simpatici, antipatici. Nies insomma.

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divendres, de desembre 15, 2006

Vlaanderen onafhankelijk... jew?

Orson Welles in da house...

24-hours after a fake television broadcast reported that the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium had declared independence, there is anger and confusion in both halves of the country. One girl said she wasn't in favour of a national split and the broadcast was frivolous. "I don't know anything about it", another said. "In any case, they're idiots." "I think Belgium is losing its sense of humour," was another opinion. Normal broadcasts were interrupted by a grave newsreader who told viewers that Flanders, the Flemish-speaking region of northern Belgium, had declared its independence, forcing the King to flee abroad.

The mock report included a correspondent standing outside parliament saying that politicians had voted overwhelmingly for Flanders' independence. Inside the parliament the day after a real debate was in progress to discuss the effect of the broadcast with Prime Minister Guy Verhoefstadt attempting to defuse the furore. I would just like to give some advice, he said, and that is to all those who participated in the broadcast - think twice about doing it again. The head of television station responsible for the hoax broadcast RTBF said he just wanted to stir up debate. It looks as if he succeeded.

(Sors: Euronews)

dimarts, de desembre 05, 2006

le, mhux Borat biss jghid affarijiet hekk

She possesses dancing and singing talent of the Country music. Apparently.