divendres, de gener 13, 2006

l-istima tal-perit II: ir-rivendika tar-rukell

Dan l-ahhar bdejt indur ftit qisni kelb ta' Sant' Umbert (bhall-kelb ta' Rosco) u l-fjut tieghi wassalni 'l boghod, hekk kif dejjem jaghmel.

Forsi hemm minnkom diga sema' bil-fatt li hawn ammont enormi ta' kontejners abbandunati kullimkien fid-dinja. Ir-raguni hi li b'li jiswa biex taghmel kontejner iehor fic-Cina, irhas tixtrih gdid u tabbanduna l-qadim milli tirrangah jew tibaghtu lura.

L-idea li nixtri bicca art irhisa imbaghad nixtri tliett Spaceboxes mill-Olanda toghgobni. Tirrikjedi certu xoghol logistiku u u wisq probabbli ma nasalx ghalija imma l-idea li tkun kwazi wahdek, u d-daqs tad-dar tkabbarha u ccekkinha kif trid int tajba. Dawn id-djar tista' sahansitra tibnihom fi 3 ijiem qishom gew mill-IKEA jew hargu minn Kinder Sorpresa enormi (halliha trid tistenna xi 3 gimghat biex jitfaccaw it-teknici tal-Belgacom u tas-Sibelga/Eaux Communales). Jekk xi darba tiddeciedi tmur tghix post iehor tista' tiehu d-dar tieghek fuq trakk tal-containers ghal fejn tkun sejjer. L-aspett bebbuxxiju ta' din it-tip ta' arkitettura tappellali wisq.



Guerilla Homes
(dokumentarju eccellenti li ntwera fuq il-BBC3)

(periti eccezzjonali fl-opinjoni tieghi, id-disinn semi-rudimentari tal-Guzman Penthouse [Lot-Ek Buildings/Residential/Guzman Penthouse] joghgobni hafna)

(links u informazzjoni dwar djar pre-fabrikati modernisti)

6 Yays/Nays

Blogger cybergaijin opined / qal...

gybexi, please contain yourself!!

1/16/2006 07:36:00 a. m.  
Blogger noel tanti opined / qal...

toghgobni l-ideja wkoll... tipo il-laboratorju ambulanti ta' supercar...

dinn didi dinn dinn didi dinn...

1/16/2006 09:07:00 a. m.  
Blogger vlad opined / qal...

Well, when I lived in Marsaxlokk there was a guy who used to take his family, wife and three kids plus some grandparent, to live in the football ground changing room for the summer. And this was before Victor Schriha took the club over, so it wasn't exactly Chelsea Village. Not that it is now, mind you.

1/18/2006 12:52:00 a. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

it must have taken alot of brains and balls to convince his family that living in a shack - a shack that presumably soaked up the aroma of sweaty socks (and psychological failure) over the years - is what they mean when they say they're "living it up" (puns [quite shamelessly] intended)

How long will it be before his Maltese entrepreneurial spirit kicks in? (i predict it won't be long before he reinvents himself as tour operator and starts organising package tours to the 'Costa del Bol' - i'm sure quite a few bejewelled, beer bellied lobster red Brits from Essex would quite like that...)

1/18/2006 12:13:00 p. m.  
Blogger cybergaijin opined / qal...

He is not lacking Maltese entrepreneurial spirit, as he is actually a street-hawker. However, he has moved his family firmly into the middle classes nowadays. No longer holidaying in changing rooms, but in a palacial, if not quite MEPA-approved, summer home of two converted garages. Named after the Virgin Mary of course.

1/18/2006 10:34:00 p. m.  
Blogger Kenneth opined / qal...

Ara din tgħoddx għalik gybex: http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/offbeat/gallery/2006/0126/01.seeingred.ap.jpg

1/28/2006 10:36:00 p. m.  

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