haga ohra dwar dawn l-imberkin immigranti...

kopja "kif suppost": klikkinu klikkaru
Din kienet l-ispirazzjoni ta' min pinga din l-istampa (jien kemm baghbastha naqra fil-Paint):
News flash: immigrants aren't taking anything from Americans. Companies like WalMart are giving jobs to them illegally. If WalMart paid a company to hire immigrants to do the job over Americans then there's probably a good reason for it. I'm sick and tired of lazy gluttonous Americans bitching about immigrants "taking" our jobs. It's not like they can literally come to America, ambush us in the parking lot and take our jobs.
hmm. mhux li naqbel mieghu ghal kollox imma ghandu zewg punti tajbin taht dik il-veneer ta' kitba kontemporanja amerikana tieghu.
[iva, iva, naf li "xogholu" (xoghlu fil-fatt) spellejtha hazin... x'taghmel eh?]
3 Yays/Nays
where is the kurat when you need him most?
hehe - mifqugh bix-xoghol jien bhalissa brother. grazzi ta' l-interess... tal-misthija kemm ili ma nibbloggja veru.
pacenzja. nhar il-gimgha la nigi lura minn "Strassberg" wara gimgha niekol curries, ghagin u spring rolls u nevita dik il-karneficina li tghaddi ghal ikel regjonali fl-Alsass ikolli nisplodi. U ahjar nisplodi fuq il-blogg le le.
I have always thought that there was an inconsistency between people who say that Africans and Arabs are bone idle and lazy and at the same time are afraid that they are going to steal their jobs. If Africans are such lazy, inefficent workers then why the hell were they enslaved into forced labour in their millions? They can't have it both ways.
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