iiiii kemm hi niiiiice
Min qieghed Brussell jigbor kopja b'xejn ta' l-Agenda (dak il-magazin zghir li jitqassam mal-gazzetta fjamminga Brussel Deze Week) u jitpaxxa li pajjizna qieghed fuq il-qoxra... b'ritratt ta' dahar xi bikers Maltin mixjin lejn it-Torri l-Ahmar.

Hemm wirja ta' ritratti ghas-serje Euro Visions mehudin mill-fotografu Carl De Keyzer dwar Malta u l-Maltin - ovvjament mehudin b'humour u ironija - li ser jintwerew il-Bozar. Skond l-artiklu De Keyzer ghamel iktar minn xahar Malta imma apparentement "it was roasting hot. There were no Maltese to be seen".
For Malta, the Belgian photographer Carl de Keyzer saw the many layers of history as key.
"Like Belgium, Malta is a small country that was occupied by many invaders," De Keyzer said. "I wanted to visualize the layers of history in the faces and places." To show history in the faces, De Keyzer took simple head shots that rotate on three screens amid a dozen larger photographs intended to show the layers of history in places.
A horde of foreign tourists in a village square represents invaders of the current era, and a homeless man sleeps in a cave suggestive of the legendary Odysseus's visit to the island. One shot has a motorcycle gang with leather jackets emblazoned with "Knights of Malta" walking toward a 14th-century red tower built by the Order of Malta in defense against Muslim invaders.
"So many layers of history always turn up the absurd," De Keyzer said. "Some people may say these countries change, but so much remains the same."
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Dejjem attent int gybexi! Ghogbitni hafna dik ir-ras basili tal-bajker bit-Torri l-Ahmar fl-isfond. Dakinhar li ssugerejt int se nkun Vilnius imma l-Hadd ta' wara, bil-qalb kollha. Mejlak nahseb li jithajjar ukoll hux hekk?
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