dissabte, de juny 03, 2006

weekly buffet

I'm going through changes

The name of this blog has been changed to Inutile de dégeler, and will be synched with my eponymous LJ blog. The look and layout of this blog have also been slightly modified.

I'm also working hard on the other projects I had previously mentioned. A minor setback... well make that a pretty major setback actually (my laptop clickety-clicked, whirred and died uncerimoniously a week or two ago) has prevented me from finishing off the stuff I would have liked to have finished off by now.

More on this next time...

Viddy this, viddy these

I always found YouTube to be quite an overrated site. Although there are a few gems, there's also an inordinate amount of puerile teenagers-with-a-cheap-DV vids to sift through to get to them. I found the attention to detail of videos such as this absolutely amazing; the humour won't split your sides but it still is pretty funny.

Badawi + FM3

Live at Recylart tomorrow.

Bufura rih imtarrab

Anita u jien rajna Vento di Terra llum. Iktar ma ninfirdu mill-Italja, iktar qed insiru bhalha. Ma nistax nispjegaha sew imma jekk taraw il-film forsi tifhmu x'jien nghid (nispera).

Mhux xi film li dak li jkun ser jaghmel dnub mejjet jekk jitilfu imma mhux film li ser ibiddillek hajtek lanqas...


lang:en - lang:mt - cat:gene - cat:film