divendres, de maig 19, 2006

Philip Jeck = saudade for the (small) masses?

Walking through the Zoo de l'Orangerie in Strasbourg, Philip Jeck and I were not alone.

His 'Some pennies' (from "7") resonated in my headphones and in the activities of the Italian pensioners who had just parked their tour bus a few meters outside the back entrance and were now busy taking photos of the tropical birds in the cage to their left. The birds themselves were busy doing what they do best - chirping and hopping tensely from one steel bar to the other. The murmur of transposed electronics and damaged records in my headphones was in some way similar to (but, disappointingly, not exactly like) the errantly geometric way Maltese lawyers walk.

The temporality, too, of both activities was complimentary. Jeck's music is a slideshow, if you want, of old records. It's an analogon of reality and so are the pensioners photos. This is the pointless beauty of Jeck's music. His music isn't just the showing of old photos (records) in a given sequence, but what makes it special is the spectra of temporality itself; of times gone by which probably never existed and of the temporal beauty of old, yellowing photos superseding the image itself. Hmm... or should that be sepiaing rather than yellowing?

Anyway - in my opinion his music isn't just music. It's a strategy; an emotionally manipulative technique to recall past times which all of us think we remember, but none of us ever lived the way he suggests we did.


lang:en - cat:muse

8 Yays/Nays

Blogger Jacques René Zammit opined / qal...

Hawn sieheb. Lest mil-istress? Ha tirridizenja il-blog jew le? Stile Sharon?

Sadattant naf li se tghidli pittma imma hemm xi haga radikalment hazina f'din il-bicca sentenza:

"the errantly geometric way the lemurs in the cages the Italians were taking photos of walk."

Nahseb tifhimni. Sahhiet.

5/19/2006 09:44:00 a. m.  
Blogger noel tanti opined / qal...

i just love it when i am listening to music on the headphones and the scenario around me somehow fits in...

it becomes a soundtrack to a moment i'm in...

5/19/2006 09:48:00 a. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

"the errantly geometric way the lemurs in the cages the Italians were taking photos of walk."

hemm xi haga hazina HAFNA fil-fatt.

biss mhijiex teknikament hazina, imma stilistikament (ara fuq: il-bold jista' jinqasam f'sentenza u l-kursiv jista jizdied ma' sentenza ohra jew ikun f'sentenza ghalih). Il-problema la hi wahda ta' ellipsis, la ta' ortografija u lanqas "transliterazzjoni subkonxja" (kif thobb tfittex int fid-DI-VE) imma ta' sentenza twila zzejjed li kellha tinqasam. l-istilistika u l-kostruzzjoni tal-frazijiet huma problema KBIRA ghalija f'kwalunkwe lingwa li naf hlief l-Olandiz ghax bl-Olandiz iktar ma tkun twila u mhawda l-frazi, iktar tkun tajba s-sentenza (?!).

ghalkemm s-sentenzi twal jghogbuni qed noqghod iktar attent dan l-ajhhar (fl-ezami kont xxukjat hafna meta rrealizzajt li kellhi sentenza wahda ta' kwazi nofs pagna. nispera mhux ser ikun hemm ezaminatur anzjan ghax jispicca mejjet bla nifs qabel ma jasal sa' l-ahhar. Il-kontenut ta' l-ezami kien tajjeb, jew anke tajjeb hafna u originali fl-opinjoni tieghi, imma hemm ix-xoghol xi jsir fuq l-stilistika...). Unfortunately I'm not Hegel and can't get away with writing ludicrously long sentences by hiding behind my creative genius like he did (kellu kull sentenza twila pagna u nofs gieli dak il-wicc ta' skorfna!) :)

ippruvajt inbiddel l-istruttura BLA MA NAQTA S-SENTENZA ghax x'hin ktibtha ghedt hawn lanqas tinftiehem, imma kelli nispicca l-bloggata ASAP ghal ragunijiet li mhux ser nidhol fihom (biss kienu jinvolvu urgentement xawer u, eventwalment, u forsi b'iktar urgenza, post iehor fil-kamra tal-banju). ghedt "u iva.. l-parti l-kbira tan-nies filkas kemm jaqrawha u jkomplu jekk ma jifhmux". u fil-fatt... hehe. issuspettajt li ser tikkumnta int :)

il-blogg speci ta' rridisinjat (ma ridtx inbiddel tant l-estetika imma nzid affarijiet bhal kategoriji etc). B'iritazzjoni kbira dalghodu intbaht li l-kategoriji li jistghu jitfittxu ma jahdmux. fadal xi xoghol xi jsir. Issa naraw.

music will save us all noel!

u ghal pjacir ta' Gwakkin:

music will all us save, noel!
noel, music all will save us!
us all, will music save noel!

PS Qed nahsibha inhallihiex kif inhi l-famuza is-sentenza. sirna hbieb jien u hi issa... :)

5/19/2006 12:42:00 p. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

it def reads better now :P

5/19/2006 12:49:00 p. m.  
Blogger Jacques René Zammit opined / qal...

love the joke. still looking forward to a less macabre pic for the blog.

as for the fixed sentence... does "errantly geometric" qualify as an oxymoron?

5/19/2006 02:10:00 p. m.  
Blogger Jacques René Zammit opined / qal...

gybexi: the convoluted way of calling someone a "pittma"

u l-kelma pittma mnejn gejja? eh? eh ?

5/19/2006 02:11:00 p. m.  
Blogger Jacques René Zammit opined / qal...

kelmtejn dwar it-tema.

naqbel dwar il-muzika u l-ambjent (surrounding). jien ukoll fan kbir ta' dan il-fenomenu. qatt ippruvajtu tmorru go post tal-abbuffar bhal McDonals jew Quick u issegwu dak li qed jigri waqt li f'widnejkom tkun ghaddejja "La Società dei Magnaccioni" ta' Gabriella Ferri jew "Food Glorious Food" minn Oliver?

5/19/2006 02:16:00 p. m.  
Blogger gybexi opined / qal...

hehe. le. imma issa nipprova.

nikkunsiljalek ma tismax xi haga ta' krzysztof pendericki waqt li tkun il-mcdo/quick ghax tispicca tohrog xabla u bandiera u toqtol lil kull min ikun hemm (trid tkun it-tip li jzomm xabla u bandiera fuqhu s'intendi) ghax tahsibhom qed jikkomplottaw kontra l-patria - jiena dak l-effett jaghmilli is-sur pendericki insomma...

errantly geometric. an oxymoron indeed, but this oxymoron is used as a juxtaposition in this case ;)
(qatt ma rajthom kif jiccaqalqu l-lemurs?)

what's wrong with my macabre pic? i like it. love it even. i got some 200-250 stickers printed with that "logo" a few months ago... i'll bring you some next time i'm in luxembourg (hah!).

5/19/2006 03:12:00 p. m.  

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